TrafficFluid paper in the shortlist of four papers nominated for the Best Paper Award of ECAI-2023

The paper:
Chrysomallis, I., Troullinos, D., Chalkiadakis, G., Papamichail, I., Papageorgiou, M.: Deep reinforcement learning with implicit imitation for lane-free autonomous driving
was selected in the shortlist of four papers nominated for the Best Paper Award of ECAI-2023 (the 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence).

This year, ECAI had 391 articles accepted after peer-review (out of 1631 articles originally submitted for review). ECAI is considered the premier Artificial Intelligence conference in Europe and is always organized with the support of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), which constitutes the federation of the national ΑΙ scientific associations per European country. ECAI is listed as a category “A” conference in the well-respected CORE conferences ranking system.

Congratulations to the TrafficFluid PhD students Iason Chrysomallis and Dimitrios Troullinos!